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Design and development, Memberships

PixlHive NFT Marketplace


PixlHive is a new NFT lobby where a registered user can read an exclusive blog about NFTs and how to secure your Crypto and NFT accounts. The client wanted a new design from scratch, a fully functional website in Webflow, and a membership system connected to the database on Airtable. Registered users also can browse different NFT collections and add them to their favorites.

Main Project


The client requested a completely new and fresh design, a fully functional and responsive website developed in Webflow, and a membership system. He wanted to be able to manage users and see their basic info in a database. Specifically, he wanted to give access to the blog posts and NFT collections only to registered or logged-in users. When a user is logged in, he should be able to like the collection and see liked collections on his dashboard.



It was great to work on this project, but when designing and developing the website, I ran into a few obstacles:

  • Nesting collection inside a collection: The website needed to have cards with the content from the two CMS collections: Users and NFT collections.

  • CMS Slider: The slider needed to be filled with an CMS content.

  • Ranking system: CMS cards should be sorted by their popularity based on the last 24 hours, 7 days ,and 1 month.

  • Fluid responsive: The website needed to be fully responsive and adjusted so the client can understand the core structure of his website.

PixlHive home page
PixlHive collection page


To overcome these challenges, I first implemented the Client-First Style System. It allows the client to understand the project itself and to be able to modify it on his own. The Client-First Style System includes naming classes more clearly and organized, rem-based sizing which allows you to make the website fully responsive to different sizes of the screen. I implemented the membership system using Memberstack for login and registration, Airtable for the database, and Zappier for automatization. I also implemented the custom CMS slider using the custom code.

PixlHive dashboard page

Results and Conclusion

The client was really satisfied with the final project. It was a nice experience to work on a project like this because I made good use of my skills and improved them a lot.
Skills that have been used and improved:

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Feel free to reach out

I enjoy working with different clients and companies. Feel free to contact me and I will respond you as soon as possible.

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